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    Hornell City Code Enforcement 

    City Departments

    Bud Burdett
    Dir. of Facilities Mgmt. and Neighborhood Revitalization

    Larry Bacon,
    Code Officer

    Kathy Canty,
    Admn. Asst. (FHO/ADA Coordinator)

    Jessica Cleveland,
    Deputy Mayor

    The Code's office is located on the second floor of City Hall.

    Phone: (607)324-7421
    Fax: (607)324-3150

    The Code Enforcement Division of the City of Hornell Fire Department is staffed by Code Enforcement Officers, career firefighters and a health officer. The code enforcement office plays a major role in preserving the integrity of the City of Hornell's neighborhoods, buildings and overall quality of life within the city.

    Daily functions of the Code Enforcement office include:

    • the issuance of building permits (inclusive of fences, pools, signs, solid-fuel appliances, etc.)
    • demolition permits *
    • zoning reviews
    • construction reviews as well as on-site construction inspections
    • the enforcement of local laws and ordinances
    • annual inspections of multiple family dwellings and places of public assembly.
    • issuance of plumbing and heating permits as well as the field inspection of plumbing and heating installations.

    All inspections are performed pursuant to the NYS Property Maintenance and Fire Codes and are either done by the code officer, members of the Hornell Fire Department or by independent third party inspectors that are approved by the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction).

    • Rental Occupancy inspections  may be scheduled through the code enforcement office (by phone, email, mail or in person) and a rental inspection coupon  must be purchased prior to the inspection, for a fee of $35.00 (Residential) or $50.00 (Commercial) from the City Clerk's office. (This fee covers the initial inspection and a re-inspection if necessary). A current Certificate of Insurance must be on file in the Code Office for each property before the inspection can be conducted.  Inspection Guidelines
    • Occupancy Permit Pre-Condition Affidavit

    * Before any demolition permit can be issued, an asbestos survey must be conducted by a certified lab. More info about asbestos can be found at  asbestos.com

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