The City of Hornell has a strong Mayor/Council form of government. The powers and duties of the Mayor and Common Council are outlined in the City Charter.
The Mayor acts as Chief Executive for the City, is responsible for putting together the annual budget, and oversees the operations of all City Departments.
The Mayor is President and presiding Officer of the Boards of Public Works and Public Safety. These boards oversee the operation of all Public Works and Public Safety services such as water, sewer, refuse, public infrastructure, police, fire & ambulance service, and the health department.
The Mayor is also the Executive Director of all Community Development Operations, which includes Housing Rehabilitation, and Economic Development loan programs. The Mayor is a permanent member of the Hornell Industrial Development Agency, which is the economic development wing of the City.
The term of office of the Mayor is four years. Mayor Buckley began his 2nd term of office on January 1, 2022. Prior to holding the office of Mayor, John Buckley served as City Alderman for 8 years, during which 4 of those years he was also the Deputy Mayor. Mayor Buckley first got involved in Hornell government while serving on the City of Hornell Zoning Board of Appeals.
Read Mayor Buckley's 2025 State of the City Address
The mayor may be reached by e-mail at: mayorsoffice@cityofhornell.com or by phone at 607-324-7421.
82 Main Street, PO Box 627
Hornell, NY 14843
Fax: 607-324-3150
Office Hours
Sep-May : 8-4PM
June-Aug : 8:30 - 4PM
Sat-Sun, Closed
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82 Main Street, PO Box 627
Hornell, NY 14843
Fax: 607-324-3150
Office Hours
Sep-May : 8-4PM
June-Aug : 8:30 - 4PM
Sat-Sun, Closed
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