Welcome to the New City of Hornell Website!

    News and Announcements


    Now Hiring

    The City of Hornell is accepting applications for summer employment

    The City of Hornell is now accepting applications for summer employment in our Parks and Recreation Program and our Department of Public Works. If you are interested in working in either of these areas this summer make sure to get your application in now. Please email hsnyder@cityofhornell.com to request a digital application, or stop into City Hall during regular business hours to pick up an application in person. Applicants must be at least 16 years old (DPW employees must be at least 18 years old) and shall reside within a fifteen-mile radius of the City of Hornell's boundaries. Applications must be turned in to the City Clerk by March 24, 2025.

    The City of Hornell is accepting applications for the position of Crossing Guard. 

    For more information and an application please contact Jennifer McLaughlin at the Hornell Police Department. 607-324-2860. 

    Or the City Clerk’s Office 82 Main Street, PO Box 627, Hornell, NY 14843, 607-324-7421.


    Attention homeowners, is your home in need of repairs? 

    The City of Hornell is considering the submission of an application for funding for a housing rehabilitation program, to be available to owner-occupants of single family homes within the City of Hornell. Priority will be given to those homes in greatest need of rehabilitation and to owner-occupants with low or very low household incomes.

    For more information and an application, contact:

    Community Development Office

    82 Main Street, P. O. Box 627

    Hornell, NY 14843


    An Equal Housing Opportunity Program


    Leaves, Grass, Snow on City Streets is Illegal

    The City of Hornell would like to remind all city residents that putting leaves, grass or snow in the road is illegal. Residents are encouraged to keep areas clean from debris, to allow for effective drainage. Please place bagged leaves at the curb for pickup. 

    City Newsletter

    City of Hornell Newsletter

    Winter 2024 Edition

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